Terms of Use
By viewing, becoming a member of and or purchasing products from this site, you agree to the following:
1. You have read and agree to the statement made on our site's entrance page.
2. You will keep the content found on this site and it's products away from minors and view it for your own enjoyment.
3. You will respect our copyrights and not share, upload to the internet, transmit, broadcast, stream, illegally copy or pirate our copyrighted material
in both digital or tangible form. None of the content contained within this site may be redistributed without the expressed written consent of the
copyright holder, Scottish Nightmare. Failure to comply with this request grants the copyright holder the ability to sue violators of our copyright for
damages in court. We have done this before and will not hesitate to do so again.
4. You will not share your membership username or password with anyone else. You agree to keep it private and for your own personal use of this
site. If we discover you are sharing your username and password with other people, we reserve the right to cancel your membership without warning
and you will not receive a refund for your membership purchase.